Friday, May 18, 2012

TC Snatch

Oil painting done for the final project in my painting class. The structure of the face in the painting was based off of a portrait of a friend, with fantasy/exaggerated elements from my personal character, Snatch. Basically an excuse to develop the character and fulfill the assignment requirements.

Photography credit to Chelsea Craig Photography, Portland OR; [link]

Oils are so delish.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Shakers and Movers

Class assignment: Illustration and comic based on a personal narrative. First serious attempt at comic making! It was really fun. Pooped this out in a night and some time in the morning to finish up. I think I'll try comics some more.

Last Illo Spreads

Spreads for class based off of the prompts 'Coder Dojo', 'Pollock's Pockets', and 'Beggars Pyre' respectively.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

¡¡ Pinata !! Brand Wine

Work from my '¡¡Pinata!!' Wine project. A Burro, bull, and star/sunburst serve as mascots for the brand, and they're attached to a Verdejo, Temperanillo, and Champagne Brut, respectively. These little guys will hang from the neck of the bottle, over top the bottle label. The Top image is the Typography Spread showcasing the lettering hand built for the project, and the final image is a fun pattern I'd like to be able to print on a myriad of things!
I'm a red wine girl, personally. Yum!