Saturday, December 17, 2011


Dericious oggplonts. Drawn with graphite, charcoal, and walnut ink.
I'm going to start drawing more, again. I miss it.

Hands Outside the Blanket

Drawing class final with the given theme "Once in a Lifetime". "Precious banality' is a phrase that keeps popping up. I like those little pleasant moments in life where everything is fine. Just mundane slices of time where drawing your roommate playing a game and sharing some great red wine are some of the best moments in life, and should be treasured as such.

drawn with graphite and charcoal~.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


A few paintings done in painting class. All of them are based off of model sessions, but the first picture was taken home to be worked on for a few more hours. All are done in watercolour/gouache. If I can finagle a camera, I'll get a photo of my final, which is an oil painting that I was thrilled with!


Sketches done over the semester for various classes. I thought I'd finish out in tradition with some drunk pokemon drawings. Chikorita and Squirtle! My two favourites!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Finally finished with the vowels for the Animalbet I've been working on for the past few weeks. I'm super pleased with how they've all turned out, but I'm really glad to have completed this portion of the project. Completing the rest of the alphabet is a handsome idea, so we'll see what the future holds~.
If anyone in interested in prints of the letters currently completed, please let me know! I can print a myriad of sizes, and to any amount that you'd like on print-quality paper, and then prints will be mailed out to your specifications! (How exciting!). Christmas is right around the corner, why not give a little artwork this holiday season?
If you're interested, you're welcome to send along a message to my email;
Don't be a stranger! 


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Three of five!
My Animalbet project I'm currently undertaking for illustration class. I would eventually like to complete the entirety of the alphabet, but for the time being, I'm focusing on vowels. More to come!